"Magical Dreams"

by Tina Silvens

Girls with super-powers and boys with super-skills fight evil forces and fall in love.
A blend of fantasy, magic battles, and romance
# Fantasy
# Paranormal
# Adventure
# Romance
# Action

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

A magical collection of fantasy stories (2 full books + 1 sample) where girls with super powers and boys with super skills helplessly fall in love as they fight evil and solve great mysteries. ❁ 1st Story - The Mysterious Soldier - P1 (Full Book) Selunia has questionable magical skills and a forbidden wish: to protect Prince Soris of the Arid Kingdom. As a woman, her wish is denied, so she puts on a soldier's armor and quietly infiltrates the castle. Only to discover the castle is under siege and a deadly spell was cast upon the prince... * Genre: YA Fantasy Romance ❁ 2nd Story - Kyle's Nightmare (Sample) Simple office worker by day, romantic warrior by night. Cursed by an ancient spirit, Kyle is trapped between two worlds. As he fights for his freedom, he falls in love with the daughter of his enemy. Will she help him or lead him to his doom? * Genre: Paranormal Action Adventure ❁ 3rd Story - The Promise (Full Book) The Prequel of the Arid Kingdom series. Terrified of her visions, Inerishia hides Selunia in the Arid Kingdom's castle and goes to fight off a demonic invasion. Meanwhile, Selunia befriends Prince Soris and gets entangled in a conspiracy against the Queen - who is about to be replaced by the king's mistress. Prince Soris will do everything to stop that from happening. Will he and Selunia succeed? * Genre: YA Fantasy Romance ♛ Note! The Prequel is not available in stores. This is the only place where you can get this book. ♛