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"Becoming Vexx: An Eve's Fury MC Prequel"


These kick-ass ladies are here to stay!
A MC Romance full of strong heroines, steamy hookups and spine-tingling action!
# Motorcycle Club
# Action
# Dark
# Crime
# Romance

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Fear. I've spent years living in fear, but no more. The day I finally ran away from Paul was the most extreme of my life but also the best thing that could have happened to me. Finally, I'm free to live how I want, be who I want, and with who I want. No longer am I the victim but the nightmare that they will all learn to fear. Becoming the president of a motorcycle club might not be something I ever dreamed of doing but with my sisters, my blade, and my bike there is nothing stopping us from taking over. And no lengths I will not go to get my revenge.