"The Chain...Break the Silence"


Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without you?
Worse yet, have you ever thought of how the people closest to you would be affected if you were no longer part of their life?
# Adventure
# Detective
# Romance
# Suspense
# Young Adult

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Depending on your current state of mind, whether you’re having a good day or a bad one, madly in love, sad or possibly all alone; these simple factors can greatly impact how each of us answers the above questions. Regardless, these are pertinent real-life questions that each of us should ask ourselves from time to time. When tragedy strikes, 16-year-old Lindsey Brockton chooses to run away to financially provide for her surviving family members. Soon after, Lindsey finds herself trapped 3,000 miles from home in the dangerous and drug filled Los Angeles underground.​ ​Will her Mother and Uncle find her in time? Can Lindsey fight her way back to freedom and get home to the family and life she left behind… or will she be just another horrific teenage statistic?