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"Anya of Ark - preview"

by Kristian Joseph

The earth flooded, the old world drowned, and now the last humans fight against the elements, on a vast driftwood town.
A fun filled action adventure
# Action
# Adventure
# Young Adult
# Epic
# Lost World

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

The earth has flooded, the old world drowned, and now the last humans fight against the elements, on a vast driftwood town: Welcome to the Ark, humanity’s last chance of survival. On her sixteenth birthday, Anya must choose her role within the tribe. All she wants is to be a hunter, but only men are allowed to take the daring trials. In order to prove herself worthy, she journeys to the Shallows, and there she discovers a mysterious underwater world filled with sea creatures, monsters, and so much more