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"The Islands of Sedania Book 1 Issiryth's Curse (Sample)"

by LC Owen

Her children were lost in a portal. What other choice did she have?
A romantic fantasy adventure
# Fantasy
# Sci-Fi
# Romance

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

This romantic fantasy will take you through the many twists and turns of Sedania. When Liza is taken through a portal by a handsome stranger, she realizes finding her children might not be a simple task. What may seem like a magical tropical paradise on an exotic island, turns out to be her worst nightmare. Fighting her love for Blane is not so easy when he whispers sweet lies in her ear. When illusions and trickery come wrapped in the package of passion and desire, it's easy to confuse love and hate. “There was something comforting in the touch of his hand, yet sinister in his smile. His embrace felt like I had nothing else. My common sense eroded away in the pleasantries of his tongue. My strength was smothered in the generosity of affection. My soul was crushed in the fist of his control. I was under his spell, mind, body, and soul. He had a finesse in the way he whispered sweet lies in my ear. It sounded as if it was almost true. If only it was, my troubles would dissolve away without the residue of defeat. If I could forget the uncomfortable tinge of unfulfilled promises, perhaps I could find contentment. If I could only ignore that tiny voice inside of the pit of my anxiety. If only I could accept it....but I couldn't!”