Indie-Pendence: Indie Authors – All Genres (Preview )
SMI Promotions Group
Giveaway - Grow your mailing list by submitting a Reader Magnet to this group promo
Sun, Jun 16th
Tue, Jul 16th
SUBMISSIONS CLOSED. The only requirement to join this group is that you are an independent author (ie self-published or not signed to a publisher AKA traditionally published). Were you formerly traditionally published but are no longer? Do you have some titles published traditionally but some that aren’t? The non-traditionally published titles are welcomed. All genres are welcome as are works of all lengths: full length novels, novellas, short stories, previews/samples, etc. There is a maximum of 5 books per author, please. In addition, please share this promotion as much as you can during its run time and via whatever platform works for you: newsletter, social media, graphic tee…on the sole of your shoe, whatever. You can require names and emails from readers or you can not. It’s completely up to you. The last day to submit a work for consideration is 06/13/2019. That being said, welcome aboard!
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