Short Stories
By Louise Worthington
Literary Fiction

Stained Glass Lives is a collection of short stories and flash fiction which explores loss, female power and the power of distorted thought, as well as creating stark portraits of family, violence and revenge. The characters are flawed and visceral, from ghosts, daughters, mothers, wives, to taxi drivers, teachers, a frail widow and a mercenary shop assistant. 'Louise delights us with her dark tales from the macabre to the poignant, we are fed a sumptuous banquet of love, death, betrayal, abuse, unfaithfulness, murder, violence, suicide, despair and troubled mental states. Her insight into the flaws of the human condition and the innermost thoughts and feelings , as well as the actions, that human beings are capable of are both authentic and moving.' Louise Stokes Award®-winning poet and author of Tortured Willows