Badass Babes of the Bible Collection
By Jennifer J. Coldwater

Loosely based on the Bible book of Ruth (but with f-bombs, drunken confessions of adoration, and a spicy sex scene), "Holland, My Heart" is the first in a collection of biblical women’s stories retold as contemporary romances and is available in paperback, Kindle Unlimited, and audibook. "Holland + Aidan" is the prequel to "Holland, My Heart", and can be read before, during, or after the main event. When Ivy Met Adam is based on the Bible story of Eve in Genesis and is available for pre-order. What's next? I'm drafting "Hannah’s Song" (based on 1 Samuel 1-2) with an eye toward Deborah (both a prophet and a judge), and the five daughters of Zelophehad (who raised the case in the Book of Numbers of a woman's right to inherit property).