"Rocket Fuel Pee: Man of Ruin"

by Oliver Franks

The five-star rated first book in the Rocket Fuel Pee trilogy
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# Sci-Fi
# Satire
# Horror
# Fantasy
# Comedy

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Would you call 'pee of destruction' a superpower? Then you've never had to deal with it. For Dave Smith, it’s the end of his world. You see, it burns through everything it touches. Boy does it burn. He was an average sort of a bloke before - now he’s a mortal danger to pretty much anything that happens to stand in his way. Toilets, trees, walls - nothing and nobody is safe. At least not when a certain call of nature comes, well, calling. So the poor guy doesn’t have a whole lot of options. It’s a case of problems, rather than options. How to cope? Where to wee? Why in the hell is this happening to me? Then there's the police to consider. Man of Ruin is the first book in the Rocket Fuel Pee trilogy, a series of comic novels aimed squarely at fans of sci-fi horror movies and late night TV shows. You know, the ones with strange mutations and science-gone-wrong. As one reader put it, it's "old school sci-fi...with pee." Or in the words of another: "An entirely original comic novel that brings to life the theories that junk food and environmental pollution are poisoning humankind." So there. MORE PRAISE FROM READERS: "The author manages to turn something outlandish into something quite humorous." "Sometimes you need something that is just comical and against the norm." "Original, hilarious."