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"Things From the Stitch"

by N E Absolom

Do you fear the dark?
A Parasomnia Chronicles companion
# Fantasy
# Fae
# Dark
# High Fantasy
# Adventure

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Do you have a fear of the dark? Of lurking, skittering things that edge out of sight when you look directly at them? Of long, spindly limbs and sharp claws that stretch and grasp at bare ankles and necks? Of shadows that are not merely shadows? If so, then perhaps this book is not for you. Perhaps it is best if you turn back now, to remain blissfully ignorant to the horrors within. That way you can stay safe in your belief that the darkness is just darkness. But if you wish to touch that darkness, to taste its thrill, or to simply learn more about that which you should truly fear, then I encourage you to read on. Come with me now on a terrifying journey deep into the Stitch, as we explore the myths, legends and possible realities of the dark and mysterious creatures that live in the in-between places. Things From the Stitch is a short companion novel to The Parasomnia Chronicles. If you like what you read, check out the first in the series, The Dreamer's Wish.