"The Einstein Equation"

by John Pirillo

What detective in his right mind would take on a monster for a case? Especially a female one who has her eye on him!
Fun, humorous and steamy. Science fiction mashup with Urban Fantasy Monsters.
# Comedy
# Mystery
# Steamy
# Urban Fantasy
# Supernatural

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

She was beautiful. They're always beautiful in stories, aren't they? But she really was, but then... Holy Crap! I stared wide-eyed, jaw dropping at the most beautiful woman in the world slowly transforming into a monster. How the hell did I get a case like this one? As a Private Detective I'm not the greatest of successes, but when I get a case; I'm in it to win it! You won't believe this, but I graduated from Cal Tech. Sounds fancy, doesn't it? Or scary if you're not into high tech things. I was. Trouble is, I got stuck short of funds my last year. I was burning with desire to sink my teeth into that luscious baby of a degree. It meant fame and fortune to me. But maybe more realistically, a paycheck. Then my mentor came to me, "How would you like to get an automatic degree?" I should never have replied. Next thing I knew I was being hustled into a top secret, hush hush lab with huge machines quivering with raw energy. And then strapped into a cannon. That's right! Damned cannon! I've never been the same since. Who would be after they've been shot across the universe? They called it the Einstein Equation. I called it the beginning of my career of chasing monsters from other dimensions. Lucky me!