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"This Time"

by Azaaa Davis

Not even death can stop her.
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# Romance
# Urban Fantasy
# Fantasy
# Drama
# Action

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Resurrected into present-day New York, Nadira Holden is asked to save the world ... again. Nadira achieved legendary status when she gave her life to protect humans from the demons. To her, it was yesterday. To the rest of the world, it was twenty years ago. People have made peace with the demons, worshipping them like celebrities. No one wants to believe that the beautiful creatures who brought magic to humans could be causing the disappearance of so many. When Nadira's father goes missing, she refuses to play nice. Gloves off. She has to do what she does best. Fight. Experience why not even death can stop her. Nadira Holden, Demon Hunter is a fresh urban fantasy series from Azaaa Davis that combines monster-slaying action, family drama, and simmering romance.