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"Growlers: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller - SAMPLE"

by John Black

What would YOU do?
A fast-paced horror thriller. A family's fight for survival.
# Zombies
# Horror
# Thriller
# Post-Apocalypse
# Suspense

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

It begins with random reports of a new flu virus. What should have been a relaxing winter vacation in a small town with the family turns into a hopeless situation for which none of them was prepared. It spreads quickly. Andrei, Lili and their seven-year-old son find themselves in the middle of a near extinction-level event. A mysterious disease turns everybody else into growling monsters and the only thing they can do is fight for their very survival. Silence. Growling. Silence. I Am Legend meets Walking Dead in this horror-thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. All mixed with a healthy dose of humor and witty repartee. Will they make it? The family struggles to find food, shelter, much needed medicine and to stay alive in the process. But why do they seem to be immune? And if one of them gets sick, will they be able to find a cure? All while being hunted by growling creatures and packs of famished dogs. What makes these zombie-like abominations tick? Can they be defeated? Every decision, any move, might cost them their lives . This is more than a scary book with zombies, and the protagonists will make you keep wondering: 'What would I do?' Although meant to be part of a series, 'Growlers' can be read as a STANDALONE. Join the ride and you won't put this book down!