"The Halden Army (An Alien Dystopia)"

by Keyla Damaer

A blood oath that changed Draken's life.
A dramatic sci-fi short story
# Sci-Fi
# Dystopian
# Aliens
# Space Opera
# Action

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

A coward is not the one who is afraid. It’s what we do about fear that makes the difference. Cadet Draken Kosset is getting ready for his final exam to become an officer of the Manderian Halden when his body reaches sexual maturity. He should focus on the exam, but all he can do is think about sultry Zamal and the recurring nightmare tormenting his nights since his childhood. The Halden Army is a short story in the Sehnsucht Series. Get it now!