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"Finding Eden"

by K. R. S. McEntire

A mutant searching for sanctuary. A hunter hot on her trail.
A YA Dystopian / Post-Apocalyptic Adventure
# African American
# Dystopian
# Fantasy
# Sci-Fi
# Young Adult

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Lilah’s heard rumors of a garden paradise known as Eden somewhere out in the wilds. Forced out of post-apocalyptic Chicago when her mutant abilities come to light, it's her only hope of safety. But she's not the only one roaming the wastelands. On Adam’s first mission as a newly-qualified warden, he is tasked with finding and destroying the heart of the Resistance–Eden. When Lilah's and Adam's destinies collide, neither can deny the spark of attraction between them, but how long can they journey together before their secrets come to light? When Lilah lets down her barriers, Adam sees her for who she truly is and is faced with an impossible choice–between duty and his heart. Finding Eden is a gripping dystopian adventure packed with action, romance, and betrayal, perfect for fans of Delirium, Shatter Me, Divergent, and The Hunger Games.