"Between a Rock and a Fireball"

by Steve Pantazis

A dyslexic wizard must outwit a cunning dragon and a vengeful captain of the duke's guard to save the day . . . and his life.
An epic fantasy short story
# Dragons
# Fantasy
# High Fantasy
# Epic
# Magic

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Lex has a big problem. He was supposed to have used his wizardry to dispatch the great Gorum the Red for the Duke of Chavalle. Instead, he made a backroom deal with the dragon, giving the creature the whereabouts of the duke's secret gold mine in exchange for the dragon's agreement not to plunder the duchy. Now Lex is between a rock and a fireball. He's trapped along with the Duke's men inside Gorum's lair. Someone's not going to make it out alive, and that someone might be Lex. Dastardly deeds abound in this must-read tale of medieval deception.