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"The Elemental Heist"

by Sherif Guirguis

Nobody but a lunatic or a criminal genius, could attempt a magical heist of this magnitude.
A humorous epic fantasy
# Fantasy
# Comedy
# High Fantasy
# Adventure
# Thriller

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Cole decided to leave the underworld and its shadows behind, and to achieve this, he needed to steal the most secure treasure in the realm, the elemental batteries. But he couldn't possibly pull this alone, so, he assembles a group of society rejects, a cursed dwarf, a failed air sorcerer, a stripped of his powers necromancer, and the lowest of the undead, the shade of a beggar. With a group of thieves like those, who needs luck? Join Cole and his group in their ultimate theft of all time, The Elemental Heist.