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by Katherine Powell

Is social status more important than your soulmate?
The first young adult romance novel in a trilogy
# Romance
# Young Adult
# Social
# Literary Fiction
# Drama

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Social status can be something that is hard to breach and even harder to climb the ladder of. And a sure as hell way to be pushed back down that ladder is to date someone at the bottom. Jessica Anastos and Felix Brannon are complete opposites: she's gorgeous and the Queen Bee of Capital High School, he's the nerd in glasses and has never been anyone of interest in any social circle. Yet, against what anyone expected, feelings rise and a relationship complete and utter secrecy. Yet words have a way of hurting, and words that remain unsaid can have even more of an impact. As their relationship and their feelings for each other grow, one may wish to share their love with the world. Yet if the other recoils at the very thought, it's frankly impossible not to take offense...and perhaps end the whole thing. Forbidden is the first in the Three's Company trilogy, introducing two of the six high school seniors that have to do more than their fair share to succeed in the most important part of life: love.