"Good Things for Those Who Wait"

by Andraia Ros

As two lifelong friends navigate the complexities of college dreams and self-discovery, their unspoken love simmers until a summer of cozy moments and heartfelt revelations forces them to confront their deepening connection.
New Adult, College, Cozy Romance
# Romance
# Sports
# Clean
# Cozy
# New Adult

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Amidst the heartfelt chaos of college life and the search for identity, Emma Briggs and Theo Ellis, two lifelong friends, find themselves entangled in the dance of unspoken love. Theo, with a heart set on Emma, watches over her as she flutters from one fleeting interest to the next, each one mirroring the latest boy of the month. When Emma's pursuit of affection leads to heartache, it's Theo's steadfast presence that offers solace. With graduation looming and adulthood beckoning, will Emma realize that what she's been searching for has been beside her all along? Dive into Good Things for Those Who Wait where the simplicity of cozy moments intertwines with the complexity of life's biggest decisions, proving that sometimes the longest journey to love is the one that leads back to where you started.