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"The Stolen Shifter"

by E.C. Farrell

If I don't help them, they'll kill my sister
A shifter's adventure
# Paranormal
# Shifters
# Supernatural
# Young Adult
# Werewolves

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

I was supposed to protect her. My little sister Paige has always been strong, but even in fox form neither of us is a match for a pack of wolf shifters. When they kidnap us, they make me swear to help them in their plans for Acadiana Blakemore, or they'll kill Paige. The Stolen Shifter is the prequel to the Ghost Academy series, a YA paranormal romance/urban fantasy that will contribute to your book based insomnia. Fair warning though, if you don’t like spoilers, you may want to read The Stolen Shifter after you’ve read Academy of Stolen Magic.