"The First Overlord"

by Kevin Potter

Dragons exist, but all is not well in the world.
A historical fantasy from the eyes of a dragon
# Dragons
# Epic
# Fantasy
# Historical Fiction
# Speculative

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Dauria is young and idealistic, but bored. When a Celt from the west comes to ask her for aid against a rampaging wyrm, she leaps at the chance. But all is not as it seems in Gaul. The young, misguided dragon she expects to find does not exist. Instead, she faces a challenge unlike anything she could have imagined. And her own life is not the only one hanging in the balance. How can she overcome this challenge when she has no idea what it is she's facing? The First Overlord is the earliest tale in the story of the dragons of Earth, presented for the first time exclusively for members of the author's mailing list.