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My current alias is Benjamin Cly. Just over 10 years ago, I retired from my life of violence and became a fixer – a middleman of sorts. Clients brought me their problems. My talented contractors “resolved” them. As long as the money was right, I worked every side of the law and didn’t think twice about it. Until one of my biggest clients tried to set me up. Then things went sideways. I lost my growing criminal empire at the drop of a hat. A lot of people started trying to kill me. I should’ve run away and hid in some distant corner of the world. But that’s not my style. I don’t run. I thrive. And in a corrupt metropolis like Pillar City, I’ll just start a new empire. But I can’t be a fixer again. Nor do I want to be a mobster – this town has plenty of those. No, I’m going to do the last thing anyone would ever expect a “harmless” guy like me to do: become a crimefighter. Seeing as I can steal super powers with a touch, it might be fun . . .