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"Art is a Waste of Time: Poetry Collection"

by Zarina Macha

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Debut poetry collection by Zarina Macha; first published 2018. Explores themes of womanhood, growing up and coming-of-age from a teenager’s perspective.
# Poetry
# Satire
# Writing
# Young Adult
# Philosophical

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

"Art is a Waste of Time" is Zarina Macha’s debut poetry collection, first published in 2018. This body of work contains poems Macha wrote between the years 2013 and 2018, capturing a teenage girl's growth into a young woman. A small segment of poems she wrote as a child in the year 2007 is included at the back of the book. Macha has written extensively in styles of satire, confessionalism and free verse. Themes of fear, loneliness, angst, desire, and womanhood flow throughout this collection. A coming-of-age compilation of honest, direct, and emotive literary imagery. Perfect for fans of contemporary poetry.