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"Dark One"

by Chris Taylor

A Grace from Darkness Series short story
Supernatural thrillers with a sense of humor and a Christian bent

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Thank you for your interest in this Grace from Darkness Series short story! Although Book 3 ended in a wedding, I feel a little bad about not following Grace on her honeymoon trip to New Orleans. But I might make it an anniversary trip in a future novel. How fun would voodoo and ornate cemeteries be? And of course, what is New Orleans without zombies? I think so anyway. So, although Grace’s honeymoon night wasn’t exactly all roses, it suited her propensity to attract horrid monsters. Then beat them senseless. If you haven’t read the Grace from Darkness series yet, why not start now? The first book is The Crowned Serpent followed by Dark Border and The Shadow Eaters. This short story happens right after the events of The Shadow Eaters, and Grace’s story continues in Cold Harvest. I hope you’ll join me! Christine (Chris) Taylor