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"A Game Called Payback Sample"

by Martin Svolgart

Not all wounds are healed by time. Some lie dormant, waiting to be ripped open again.
: A case pulls up ghosts from the past to be faced in order to solve the mystery of the death of a teenager.
# Crime
# Psychological Thriller

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

The case of a sixteen-year-old boy found hung by the neck over the roof of his own car sparks a memory that Matt Byron has spent years working his way through. He even thought he’d managed. Getting a new partner with that case—a partner hauling his own ghosts from the past into it—proves Matt wrong. What initially looked like just another case of a child being harmed soon offers up aspects of the two men’s past. To solve the case, they need to solve their own unfinished business. For a man as unapproachable as Matt Byron, who’s scared away more partners than anyone else, he needs to draw on all his resources to see it through.