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"Being Remade"

by Lissa Bolts

Ruling Magic: Book Two
An urban fantasy with a kick-butt female heroine
# Fantasy
# Urban Fantasy
# Magical Realism

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

So the entire mage world is looking for me. Who cares? I’m not going back. I’ve finally tasted freedom, and even though I hate that I accidentally left my sort-of-boyfriend behind, there’s no way I’m giving this up. Not yet. I’ve got things to do here. If I’m going to change the world, I’ll need to see it first. Preferably before Mother reduces everything to dust, waging her deadly war. So, I’m blending in. Learning what it takes to be a regular mage. Pretending I’m not the missing Heir plastered all over the news. The only problem is, keeping my Ruling Powers hidden is proving tougher than I thought. The other mages? They’re starting to notice I’m different. Sooner or later, they’re going to figure me out. And while not everyone looking for me wants me dead, one thing is clear. If I don’t see this mission through... It’s game over. For all of us.