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July 1915 Eliza Elliott receives the worst news imaginable; Joe, her beloved husband, has been killed on a battlefield in Flanders. With no body to bury, Eliza struggles to come to terms with her loss, until the vicar suggests she create a memorial in a corner of the churchyard, under an old beech tree. On her second visit, Eliza is unnerved to discover a huge dog curled up under the tree. To her surprise, his presence proves to be comforting rather than daunting, and as the summer ticks by, she finds solace in his company. Meanwhile in Flanders, and unbeknownst to the rest of his regiment, Joe Elliott is the sole survivor of what was effectively a suicide mission. His rescuer, an enormous wolf-like creature, guards his recovery and, despite how fanciful it seems, Joe is convinced the dog is a subliminal connection to Eliza.