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"Dark Energy"

by Shayla Durbois

The Cosmological Constant
A New Adult Short Story
# New Adult
# Literary Fiction
# Clean
# Coming of Age
# Contemporary

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

As a physics major, Willow spent the last three years learning how the universe worked, but when it comes to relationships she just can’t get the formula right. When Willow and her friends embark on their fourth and final year at college, a chance encounter with an intriguing 25-year-old freshman (major in International Relations, minor in Frech, with a killer goatee and a charming southern drawl) has her second-guessing her keen scientific observation skills. Has Willow finally found her college romance? Sometimes we just can’t see the forest through the trees, so how do we navigate? Willow keeps her eyes on the stars.