"Ms. Dubois"

by Brien Crothers

Do bartenders always know best?
Though he loves his wife, Brent has developed an irrational obsession with a blaspheming woman he saw one day on his commute. Can a new bartender friend set him straight?
# African American
# Contemporary
# Romance
# Second Chance
# Slice of Life

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Do bartenders always know best? During a train commute, Brent, a married suburbanite, found himself captivated by a foul-mouthed African-American woman as she talked, cursed, ranted, and muttered across their cosmopolitan landscape. Weeks later, while once again trying to time a chance encounter and see the black goddess again, Brent confessed to a bartender an irrational attraction to this stunning, blasphemous creature. Did Brent tell all? Did Stan the bartender give worthy advice? Would Brent see the woman again? And what about Brent’s poor wife?