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"The Letter: The Dr Applegate Story"

by Paul Indigo

Paul Indigo Readers' Club
A love story from a character in my debut novel, Love Deleted
# Women's Fiction
# Romance
# Contemporary
# Second Chance

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

"By the end of chapter three, I was hooked!" DL... "A beautiful and moving story" CL... "Moved me to tears" TN. When Dr Applegate reads the letter he is so shocked he needs to sit down. Then his sister calls from Canada inviting herself over. And then he dreams of an old girlfriend from twenty-two years ago. It seems things are conspiring against him, upending his lonely, successful life. Dr Applegate has no idea he's about to meet the love of his life again after all that time... ...or that he’s about to be shaken up by the two people most important to him in the whole world. Then, of course, there's the contents of that wretched letter to deal with.