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How do you start your devotional (quiet) time with God each day? How do you center your heart and mind? How do you shut out the world and focus on God alone? Throughout the years, I have found that the best way for me is to start by saying an invocation prayer. The word invoke means “to call for with earnest desire.” An invocation is, therefore, a form of prayer that recognizes God’s presence and calls upon him to listen to our pleas. This little book contains thirty-one invocations, one for each day of the month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD NOTICE! To download the book, you must check the box “Yes, I want to sign up for Greg M Cole’s email newsletter.” If you are already on my email list, you will not be added again, but you will be able to download the book. After completing the form, look for an email from Evan at StoryOrigin with instructions on downloading the book. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------