"The OtherSide Chronicles"

by Cheryl S. Mackey

The OtherSide Chronicles Part One
A Sword and Sorcery Fantasy Novella
# Action
# Coming of Age
# Fantasy
# LitRPG
# Lost World

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

When the Four Magi find a pair of children on the battlefield wearing ancient relics they realize that there is far more to them than meets the eye. They are from Otherside, a parallel world of mythical creatures and magic, and are the only ones found to wield the Relics of Skolt in thousands of years. If kept together, the four relics can unite their two worlds...but to catastrophic effect. The children, Darc and Stella, are kept separated and believe the other dead. The years pass as they are raised by the Magi in secret to be ready for when they must use the Relics before it's too late...because the Relics are now pulling the worlds closer, like opposite poles of a magnet, and something has to give. Why are they kept in the dark about their pasts and away from each other? Too many questions and not enough answers will lead them to a shocking discovery. **This is part 1 of a serial fantasy set of short stories**