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"Dawn of the Sorceress"

by Lisa Blackwood

A noble gargoyle. An ancient sorceress.
One evil demigoddess determined to have them both.
# High Fantasy
# Urban Fantasy
# Shifters
# Paranormal
# Epic

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

As a gargoyle and the male half of the Avatars to the gods, his duty was to protect the other half of his soul—The Sorceress. He failed. Now, when he wakes to a new life and finds the female half of his soul missing, he soon learns she’s been captured by their oldest enemy, the Lady of Battles. This time the battle goddess has gone too far. She foolishly stole the most vital part of him… Now it’s personal. He will not fail his sorceress a second time… And he’s willing to BURN his enemy’s entire kingdom to the ground to prove it. ~*~*~Snippet ~*~*~ He always hated this part. The drifting. The nothingness. A fading agony was the strongest sensation in his lightless world. This was familiar though. He had done this many times before, hadn’t he? Murky recollections bubbled up from the depths of a vast power. One surfaced and restored a lost memory. The agony—it was from severing his soul in two. Another memory bubbled to the surface. He’d been reborn as a gargoyle. Though he hadn’t yet actually been born. He was unfinished still, sleeping, dreaming, and growing. Many lifetimes had started like this. That acknowledgment unleashed a floodgate of memories. Slowly they filed themselves into order. Though he sensed there were many more still to return, lifetimes of memories. That vast and ancient power? That was him, his magic and essence. But that was only half of it. He was missing something vital still—his other half. Where was the female half of his soul?