"Rum and Records"

by Heather Lauren

Swoony Musician Meets Sassy Single Mom
An Empire Records Bonus Novella
# Romance

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

All work and no play has taken its toll on single mom Nora. After years of slinging drinks for creeps, she has saved enough for the deposit she needs for her dream record store and she's determined not to let anything distract her. When she locks eyes with swoony musician Declan, her body says yes but her stubborn sassy mouth is yelling no. Business by day musician by night, Declan is a man living a double life. He has worked hard for his career but has grown to hate the details involved. When he meets a goddess with a smart mouth and zero interest in him he's tripping over himself to be around her. Things get complicated when his job collides with her dreams but he has never shied away from a challenge. Especially ones with long hair he wants to wrap around his fist and pillow-soft lips he's dying to taste.