
"Metal Angels - Part One"

by D K Girl

The Facility holds many dangerous secrets. And one of them just left the building in an over-sized hoodie.
A science-fantasy serial.
# Action
# Fantasy
# Gritty
# Mythology
# Supernatural

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Blake Beckworth never speaks to her sister Kira of the top secret projects underway in the depths of the remote desert compound they share with a mysterious alien race called the Syrana. So when Kira is dragged away from her Friday night mojito by a desperate plea for help from her reclusive sister, it gives her some bad vibes. Like, here-comes-the-apocalypse kind of bad. Blake needs Kira to smuggle Azrael out of the Facility. The instructions? Keep him hidden. No matter what. But who--or what-- the hell is Azrael exactly? Man? Machine? Or something else entirely. And why is Blake desperate enough to leave him in Kira's wildly incapable hands? Metal Angels is fast-paced science fantasy with lots of sex, swearing and violence. Buckle Up. **Language Warning** - if you don't like copious amounts of swearing, then perhaps this one isn't for you. Kira knows all the words and likes to use them. She enjoys it almost as much as sex. So be warned, sexual content contained in this book! (Not graphic or erotica) Part One of a Four-part SERIAL. **Please note, these are not stand-alone books.**