"In The Year 2129"

by Bill DeFoor

Ever wonder what the future might bring?
Read about “HOW WE GET” to 2129. It includes advanced AI in Androids, geopolitical events, a Constitutional Convention, cultural changes, and much more...
# Adventure
# Aliens
# Artificial Intelligence
# Sci-Fi
# Suspense

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

The 2129 Series begins IN THE YEAR 2129 (Series prequel). The Series follows a man from 2017 who is awakened in 2129 to work with the most advanced Android ever built. Together, their initial discoveries: advancing AI in Androids, telepathic communications, and the ability to read memories improve the lives of millions and provide a glimpse of after-death memories. Their discoveries are indispensable to their 007 espionage adventures. Neither the beautiful lady spies they work with nor would-be kidnappers or assassins from Communist China know how they do what they can do. They also build a global electronic dome to control all things electronic (ships, missiles, armaments, etc.). In future books, they advance Android evolution leading to cohabitation and eventually Alien mentors, space travel, and interventions in distant planets’ evolution. Throughout the Series, there is plenty of action, mystery, suspense, and romance. They even encounter an energy universe capable of time travel and seeing the future. With over 50 years of technical experience, the author will bring you along with the characters and discoveries of a bright tomorrow.