"Where We Belong"

by Tia Fielding

Can Dusty find the words to tell Blake how he feels?
A MM Contemporary Romance
# Romance
# Contemporary

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

It all starts at a concert at the Red Rock Amphitheater in 2004. Blake just finished high school, Dusty is a college sophomore, and as soon as they meet, they know—they belong together. With Blake living in Nebraska and Dusty in Colorado, distance does its best to keep them apart. For two years, it succeeds. Then Blake flees his bigoted—and even dangerous—hometown. Two years later, Blake and Dusty are getting their lives off the ground, with Blake trying to grow his computer repair business and Dusty working with kindergarteners. Dusty thinks there’s room in their hearts and their lives for their family to grow… he just has to figure out how to express that to Blake.