"Say Yes to the Crazy, Extended Family"

by Kat Samuels

A plus-sized, gray-haired, 50-year-old bride? How do you put that into a wedding dress without making people laugh?
A Funny, Sweet Seasons Side Story
# Romance
# Seasoned
# Comedy
# Sweet

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

That’s the problem which May faces, as she gets ready to marry the man she lost for 30 years. With family, friends, in-laws, ex-partners, late husband’s relatives, and others in tow, she faces down the challenge of finding a dress which won’t play into her insecurities. But can she do it when she’s being filmed for a find-the-right-dress reality show? A short, fun addition to the steamy, second chance, seasoned romance, Seasons, “Say Yes to the Crazy, Extended Family” will leave you with a smile and a belief in love, even if you haven’t read the novel it fits into. Download for free! You won't be signed up for a newsletter.