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"The Sapeiro Chronicles: A Forgotten Past"

by Tiffany Lafleur

Forgetting your past doesn't mean you can't decide your future
An epic, sweeping fantasy story
# Fantasy
# Epic
# Young Adult
# Magic
# Action

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Beast Whisperer – that was Lily’s special talent. Useful, but not as flashy as some. Or so she thought. When she was a child, Lily had washed up on the riverbank near Basolt, with no memory of who she was. Taken in by the couple who found her, she was raised as their own, alongside their new baby. Years later she does something extraordinary. And word spreads of a new Spirit Hopper, someone who can enter into and control not only beasts, but people. Someone who can change the land of Sapeiro. Someone who supposedly died years before. The rumors catch the attention of those who would control her power. Those who would use Lily for their own purposes, no matter how many lives it costs. They set their plots to capture her in motion. But Lily discovers there is at least one group who might hold the key to her real identity. One group who would protect her. But trust does not come easily for Lily. And her would-be saviors have secrets of their own.