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"Dead Blood City (Saoirse Reilly #1)"

by Jo Denning

The blood moon is coming. Will Reilly save the girl and find a reason to live?
Urban fantasy meets gritty noir in this novel featuring imperfect heroes and slow-burn dark romance with beautiful monsters who can’t be trusted.
# Urban Fantasy
# Romance
# Mystery
# Fae
# Vampires

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Secretly psychic Detective Saoirse Reilly has just returned to duty after killing a man. Her shrink might be convinced she doesn’t want to die but she’s not. Disrupting Reilly’s plan to end her life is the kidnapping of Delaney Bascom on the eve of the blood moon. Even psychics can get blindsided. This case isn’t what it seems and Reilly may not be the only supernatural freak in Boston. Reilly will have to face her own demons and a family of ancient monsters if she hopes to bring the girl home alive. Domenico Alderisi, a club owner with a bad habit, is determined to stand in her way. And he’s stronger than he looks. But Reilly has the dubious support of Emrys Somerled, a forensic psychologist with a cellar full of secrets and the magic touch. The blood moon is coming. Will Reilly save the girl and find a reason to live?