"Into the Labyrinth"

by Meadoe Hora

An Ariadne's Crown short story
A prequel short story about ancient Crete - YA mythology, fantasy,
# Fantasy
# Fairy Tale
# Historical Fiction
# Mythology
# Young Adult

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Before Ariadne became a legend with Theseus, she was a mischievous princess of ancient Crete. As a girl, she wanted desperately to sneak into the labyrinth and see the deadly Minotaur. After several failed attempts, she spots something in Daedalus' workshop that just might do the trick. But, if she can make it in, will she be able to get out? Or will she perish in the labyrinth like everybody else who has gone in? This is a prequel short story to Ariadne's Crown.