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"Did You Hear About the Prinz Party?"

by Eirian Naomi Omid

Your Favorite Faerie Tales Just Got Real
Three leading ladies, three great nights, one banging party
# Fantasy
# Fairy Tale
# High Fantasy
# Coming of Age
# Magical Realism

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

What if the faerie tale princesses that you grew up with, were people that you literally grew up with? You've always related to them before, so, what are they up to now? Tonight, you can find out just how three of your favorite faerie tale heroines are doing these days because you have just been invited to the party extravaganza of the year. Come and immerse yourself in this event alongside these three young ladies as they experience the party. These three Grimm fairy tale adaptations bring a fresh modern twist to stories that we grew up with and cater to free-spirited adults, rather than young audiences. You don't want to miss out, so ask yourself, did you hear about the Prinz Party?