
"Dough Boy"

by Becky James

The baker's boy gets by as best as he can, but when he defeats a rogue mage, he realises he might have a promising career as a swordsman for the king. But can he convince his father - and himself - of that?
Light-hearted fantasy with big-hearted characters.
# Adventure
# Sword & Sorcery
# Young Adult
# Fantasy
# High Fantasy

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Gavain Gomoresson, the baker's boy, spends his days helping his father and dreaming of being something more. When a boy from Special Forces arrives to investigate the potential hiding place of a rogue mage, Gavain surprises himself - and his father. Eager to try out to join the regular army, Gavain joins for Intake Sennight and meets with resistance; not only from the other recruits, but within himself and his father. Can he decide what his heart wants, and seize it? This is a prequel novella to the eagerly anticipated 'The Tenets in the Tattoos,' part of 'The King's Swordsman' series.