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"The Neighbor You Don't Know Preview"

by Shane Shepherd

Reminds readers of early Asimov work
Find out what surprises await!
# Sci-Fi
# Steampunk
# Space Opera
# Aliens
# Adventure

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

After countless years of preparation Mission Terra Firme One is finally ready to commence and give Earth the answers it has long waited for, about the planet Neighbor. The TSS Cartographer is about to arrive and its First Officer Baldwin “call me Win” Tavares believes that he might just be able to touch his hand to that rocky ground and that’d be enough for him to learn everything there is to know about their old Neighbors, the things they’d done and what they’d left behind. But not everyone is as kind-hearted or has such noble intentions, and Neighbor holds more mysteries than anyone could have imagined. Exploring it might open the gates for a flood that threatens to drown everything, and Win must make decisions that hold his life, and that of all around him, at stake.