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He is desperate to prove himself useful. What he doesn’t know is that if he doesn’t, his world will fall into ash. All Cedrick ever wanted was to prove himself of worth to his father. He’s fought for it his whole life. He may not have the brute strength of his father and siblings, but his magic is second to none. Cedrick fights to use it to prove his worthiness to his father. Little does he know his magic is the secret to saving his world. Can he discover the secret in time? A dark sorcerer has killed off the rightful kings and the world protectors in the Custod family line: Cedrick’s family. They must use their power to stop this sorcerer from destroying their world. Only Cedrick’s magic can rival him, but Cedrick’s father will do anything to stop anyone from finding out. Why is Cedrick’s power such a terrible secret? He must overcome his father's abuse to learn the secret in time. If he doesn’t, their world will never rise again, only to fade into the endless twisting of a giddy madman. Discover if Cedrick can uncover his full power no matter how others seek to hide it by clicking Buy Now and starting an epic adventure you and millions of others shall never forget. Rising is the first book in The Custod Chronicles series: a coming-of-age epic fantasy book series for middle-grade readers and young adult fantasy readers.