"Mirror Mirror"

by Goblins Stole My Brain

A goblin flavoured short story...
A Glintsprock's Quest Side Quest
# Fantasy
# Dark

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Note: This is a short story, written for the August Prompt for the Ko-Fi Author Avengers. Fresh off his explosive tour with the Shit-Stained Lizardz, Glintsprock's thirst for fame and adulation knows no bounds. Determined to perfect his rock star image, he steals a collection of clothes and accessories, as well as a couple of mirrors to check out his reflection. One of the mirrors looks expensive. Yet, this mirror is no ordinary looking glass. It's dangerous. Glintsprock really should have seen this coming... he does live in Venari, after all.