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"Tempting Trysts"

by Hank Dolworth

Two Tales of Erotic Passion
Instalove, Romance, BDSM, Office Play, Drake Storm
# Erotica
# Erotic Romance
# Steamy

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

These stories were previously published on Medium under the pen name Hank Dolworth. They are short stories showing the type of stories Drake Storm will focus on. I hope you enjoy, links to Drake’s published books are in the back.
Drake Storm 1. Hot Coffee with the Bibliophile - Drake Storm - Greg meets Charlotte at a bookstore and recommends steamy romance reads. They exchange numbers, and later, Charlotte invites Michael for a coffee at his house. (instalove, flirting, rough sex)
 2. Mr. Carmichael’s Strict Standards - Drake Storm - Evan Carmichael needs to enforce standards with his department at his publishing company. Taking his secretary, Debbi, in hand, they put their heads together to provide more motivation to the staff. (BDSM, male dominance, female submission, impact play)