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"Love In The Time of The Trump Era : Pre-Election Edition"

by Genevieve Hermoso

Can you love someone who voted for Trump?
A romantic comedy set in the post 2016 elections
# Comedy
# Romance
# Sweet
# Political
# Contemporary

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

A romantic comedy for kindle unlimited . Alexa, who voted for Democrat during the 2016 election, works for the political section of Viral Feed finds herself attracted to the mysterious new co-worker who is Republican and Trump voter, Lee. Can their opposites-attract romance really work? Can you love someone who is at the opposite side of your political beliefs? The political tides are changing, can Alexa and Lee find true love? Can their office romance blossom in this changing political landscape? This book is about Keong and Alexa's trip to the last Trump and Hillary debate in Las Vegas. Hijinx ensues. Get the Prequel to BOOK ONE!