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Looking for an extra behind-the-scenes peek at the creation of Hollen the Soulless? Subscribe to Denali Day's newsletter and have "The Lost Scenes" delivered to your inbox right now! You'll see alternative point of view scenes, cut scenes, and an entirely deleted chapter. You'll also get some insight into the creation of the Dokiri Brides series. How did Denali come up with the idea for the Bedmeg clan and their culture? The answers are inside. Take a look! Chapter 1: Original first chapter Chapter 2: Hollen's POV when meeting Joselyn Chapter 3: Hollen's POV when Joselyn meets Erik Chapter 4: Alternative breakfast with brothers scene Chapter 5: Cut scene of Joselyn preparing the storen for dinner Chapter 6: Alternative look at Joselyn rejecting Hollen's offer to dance Chapter 7: Cut scene of Lavinia gifting Joselyn her hala Chapter 8: Cut chapter of Joselyn's first wedding