"Sex Boot Camp Masterclass"

by Trina E. Read

Sex is rarely about sex.
If it were, everyone would be having loads of it.
# Health & Wellness
# Self-Help
# How-To
# Nonfiction

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

The sex you’re having—or not having—tends to be a reflection of everything going on in your complicated and busy life. That’s where Sex Boot Camp Masterclass comes in. Is your sex life: * In a rut. * Or nonexistent. * Or a thorny, emotional mine-field. * Or forgotten after a long season-of-life, like pregnancy or perimenopause. * Or flat-lined and you wouldn’t miss sex if it never happened again. Congrats, you’re exactly in the right place. Inside this masterclass workbook you will find a practical, easy-to-follow program that will take your sex life from just meh to toe-curling, oh-yeah!